CK2 Console Commands & Cheats – Enable the console (Debug mode) in Crusader Kings 2, and enjoy tons of cheats
Just hit the “`” (to the left of key 1) key while playing to open or enable the console, then use any of the cheats & console commands we are going to provide you
But if you want to use cheats make sure you are not playing in Ironman
CK2 Console Commands & Cheats – Character
These are all the available CK2 or Crusader Kings 2 Character Console Commands & Cheats:
- add_artifact [artifact id]: Adds an artifact to the character
- get_all_artifacts: Adds all artifacts to the character
- destroy_artifact [artifact id]: Removes an artifact from the character
- add_diplomacy: Adds diplomacy to the character
- add_intrigue: Adds intrigue to the character
- add_learning: Adds learning to the character
- add_martial: Adds Martialy to the character
- add_stewardship: Adds stewardship to the character
- add_offmap_currency [Offmap Power] [amount]: Gives the player currency with the specified offmap power
- add_trait [trait id]: Adds a trait to the character
- remove_trait [traitt id]: Removes an artifact to the character
- add_modifier [modifier id]: Adds a modifier to the character
- remove_modifier [modifier id]: removes a modifier to the character
- age [character id]: Modifies a character’s age
- banish [character id]: Banishes a character
- capital [province id]: Moves player capital to province
- clr_moved_capital [character id]: Clears the moved capital-flag of a character
- cash [amount]: Adds gold to the player
- coalition [character id] [character id]: [character id1] starts/joins/leaves a coalition against [character id2]
- council_positions [character id or title id]: Shows the ai scores of each council position
- clr_focus: Clears the focus
- culture [culture id]: Sets a character’s culture
- decadence: Modifies the Decadence of the player’s Dynasty
- decision [decision id]: Executes a decision
- die: Suicide
- enforce_peace: Enforces peace in the player’s realm
- liege_enforce_peace: Enforces peace in the player’s liege realm
- enable_ambition: Allows a character to pick a new ambition
- event [event id]: Executes an event
- favor_get [character id]: Get a favor from character id
- favor_grant [character id]: Grants a favor from character id
- gfx_culture [Character ID]: Sets a character’s gfx culture
- give_birth [character id]: Forces a pregnant character to instantly give birt
- give_title [title id] [character id]: Gives a title to a character
- infamy: Modifies the player character’s threat
- imprison [character id] [character id]: Imprisons a character by another character
- join_society [society id]: Join a society
- leave_society [society id]: Leave a society
- log_missing_adjectives: Logs any title that has no adjective loc key defined
- kill [character id]: Kills a character
- kill_yourself: Suicide
- move [character id] [character id]: Moves a character to a character’s court
- neg_opinion [character id] [character id]: Adds a negative opinion between two characters
- nickname [nickname] [character id]: Gives a character a nickname
- piety [amount]: Adds piety to the player
- prestige [amount]: Adds prestige to the player
- run [filename]: Executes script commands from a text file
- score [amount]: Adds score to the player
- techpoints: Adds 1000 techpoints of each type to the player
- max_tech [province id]: Maxes out tech in all provinces, or in specified province
- recalc_succ [character id]: Recalculate the succession for a character
- religion [character id] [religion id]: Sets a character’s religion
- secret_religion [character id] [secret_religion id]: Sets a character’s secret religion
- set_government [Government id] [character id]: Changes government
- titleowner [title id]: Reports or sets the holder of a title
- validate_government [character id]: Validates government of a character
- validate_laws [character id]: Validates laws of a character
- validate_lieges [character id]: Validates lieges of a character
- set_char_flag [flag id] [character id]: Sets a flag from a character
- clr_char_flag [flag id] [character id]: Clears a flag from a character
- set_society_grandmaster [character id]: Sets the grandmaster of the society
- show_all_societies: Shows all societies
- society_rank_up [amount]: Ranks player up in society
- society_rank_down [amount]: Ranks player down in society
- society_currency [amount]: Adds society currency to the player
- quickbuild: constructions are finished immediately
- usurp [title id] [character id]: Sets a title to be usurped by a character
CK2 Console Commands & Cheats – Global
These are all the available CK2 or Crusader Kings 2 Global Console Commands & Cheats:
- activate_artifacts: All artifacts are always active
- allow_laws: change laws freely
- real_fathers: Shows the true fathers in the family tree
- charinfo [character id]: debugging information to character & Reveals your spouse’s lovers
- de_jure_counties: de jure counties map mode
- discover_plots: auto plot discovery
- fow [province id]: Turns off fog of war
- game_speed [Speed]: Sets the game speed, from 0 to 4
- game_paused [True or False]: Pauses game or not
- get_offmap_holder [Offmap Power]: Displays the name and character id of the current holder of an offmap power
- set_offmap_status [Offmap Power] [status]: sets the status of the specified offmap power
- set_offmap_policy [Offmap Power] [policy]: Sets the policy of the specified offmap power
- kill_offmap_ruler [Offmap Power]: Kills the ruler specified offmap power
- kill_offmap_dynasty [Offmap Power]: Kills the ruler specified offmap power, also changes dynasty
- manpower [amount]: Adds nomadic manpower to a nomad player character
- population [amount]: Adds nomadic population to a nomad player character
- marry_anyone: You can
- morehumans [amount]: Adds more humans
- neg_diplo: diplomatic messagest will be refused
- nextsong: Changes sountrack
- listsongs: Check the list of songs
- outbreak [disease id]: Starts specified disease outbreak in a random province
- plots_known: all plots always known
- recalc_council: recalc the council positions of each council member
- reload_succession_voting: Reloads succession voting patterns
- set_flag [flag id]: Sets a global flag
- clr_flag [flag id]: Clears a global flag
- validate_cultural_names: Validates cultural title names
- spawn_disease [disease id] [province id]: Spawn specified disease in chosen province
- character_stats: Displays character’s stats
- dynasty_stats: Displays dynasty’s stats
- destroy_settlement [title id]: Destroys a holding. Takes a barony title (b_<name>) or destroys the capital of a county title (c_<name>)
- murder [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = murderer & id2 = victim
- pollinate [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = mother & id2 = father
- cuckoo [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = mother & id2 = father (unknown)
- revolt [province id]: Starts a Revolt in a province
- succ [Succession id]: Changes the succession type
- add_lover [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = lover 1 & id2 = lover 2
- add_friend [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = friend 1 & id2 = friend 2
- remove_friend [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = lover 1 & id2 = lover 2
- add_rival [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = rival 1 & id2 = rival 2
- remove_rival [character id1] [character id2]: id1 = rival 1 & id2 = rival 2
- flip_mapmodes: Cycles to the next map mode each day
- province_religion [Province ID] [Religion]: Sets a province’s religion
CK2 Console Commands & Cheats – Debug
These are all the available CK2 or Crusader Kings 2 Debug Console Commands & Cheats:
- run_commands_from_file [file name]: Reads a file
- testevent [event id]: Tests an event
- clear: Clears the console
- debug_ai [character id]: displays AI strategy for a character
- debug_aistrength: AI Strength data
- debug_assert: asserts or, and also off
- debug_bloom: Bloom or, and also off
- debug_borders: Borders or, and also off
- debug_crash: Forces crash
- debug_citysprawl: Citysprawl or, and also off
- debug_dumpevents: Dump Event data
- debug_events: Start Counting events
- debug_hires: Terrain Hires mode or, and also off
- debug_info: Debug info
- debug_lines: Debug lines
- debug_lockcamera: Camera locked or, and also off
- debug_name: names for provinces
- debug_nogui: GUI or, and also off
- debug_nomen: Nomen or, and also off
- debug_nomouse: mouse scrollwheel or, and also off
- debug_postfx: PostFX or, and also off
- debug_rivers: Rivers or, and also off
- debug_sky: Sky or, and also off
- debug_smooth: framesmoothing or, and also off
- debug_terrain: Terrain or, and also off
- debug_textures: Texture info to application debug log
- debug_ti: Terra Incognita or, and also off
- debug_tooltip: Toggles Tooltips or, and also off
- debug_trees: Trees or, and also off
- debug_triggerassert: Force game to throw an assert
- debug_volume: music volume
- debug_water: Water or, and also off
- debug_wireframe: forced wireframe or, and also off
- debug_yesmen: yesmen or, and also off
- debug_zoom: Zoom or, and also off
- eventinfo: Prints the number of running events
- guibounds: GUI bounds or, and also off
- fullscreen: fullscreen or, and also off
- hello: character screen or title screen or, and also off
- help [command]: Print out all console commands or a specific command description
- noai: AI or, and also off
- numcoas: used coat of arms
- observe: observer mode or, and also off
- refresh_portraits: all character portraits to be refreshed
- reload: Reloads the gui or lua file
- reloadevents: event database
- reloadfx: Reloads the shader
- reloadgovernmentflavor
- reloadinterface
- reloadloc
- reloadpositions
- reloadtexture
- save_without_ironman
- spawnactor [actor name]
- timer_start: Starts debug timing
- timer_restart: Restarts debug timing
- timer_reset: Resets debug timing
- timer_stop: Stops debug timing
- timer_dump: Dumps debug timing info
- ct: Puts timer info in clipboard