Day of Infamy Console Commands & Cheats – Enable console & cheats, and use any of the available cheats or console commands
Day of Infamy Console Commands – Enable Console
Just hit the “~” (tilde) key while playing to open or enable the console, then type sv_cheats 1, and finally use any of the cheats & console commands we are going to provide you
But if you need to reset the cheats or console commands: Windows Explorer > C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommondayofinfamydoicfg > delete config.cfg
Day of Infamy Console Commands – Full List
- god: Invincible and also infinite HP
- impulse 101: access to 100% weapons and also ammo
- Kill: Suicide, to kill your character
- quit: To exit the game
- give weapon_(weaponname): To get the weapon (weaponname)
- skin-(skinname): to change to the skin (skinname)
- sv_clienttrace 999999999: Aimbot or auto aim
- firstperson: changes to 1st person perspective
- thirdperson: changes to 3rd person perspectiv
- fastsprites (0-2): Sets smoke sprites (recommended = 0)
- max_shells (0-999): to set max shells (recommended = 999)
- max_smokepuffs (0-999): to set max smoke puffs (recommended = 999)
- sv_gravity (number): to set gravity ( you can also try negative gravity)
- mp_footsteps (0-1): if you want to activate footsteps = 1
- viewsize (value): to resize pixels
- brightness (1-3): to set brightless (recommended = 3)
- gamma (1-3): to set gamma
- fps_override (0-1): to override = 1
- fps_max (0-999): to set max FPS (recommended = 999)
- rate (0-20000): to set rate (from server) (recommended = 20000)
- motd: if you want to display the server message
- say (message): To say something
- say_team (message): To say something to your teammates
- cl_forwardspeed (number): + or – forward speed
- cl_backspeed (number): + or – back speed
- cl_sidespeed (number): + or – side speed
- cl_dynamiccrosshair (0-1): to enable dynamic crosshair = 1
- cl_allowdownload (0-1): To allow = 1
- cl_crosshair_color (RBGCode): requires RBG code to change crosshair color
- cl_lefthand,righthand (0-1): lefthand or righthand
- cl_nosmooth 1:
- cl_vsmoothing 0:
- cl_smoothtime 0: shows actual positions
- cl_radartype (0-1): 1 = solid
- cl_minmodels (0-1): try 1 if you are a beginner
- cl_weather (0-3): 3 = highest quality
- cl_cmdrate (0-105): Data sent to server
- cl_cmdbackup (0-10): buffered data for server
- cl_updaterate (0-102): server update data received
- gl_cull (0-1): 1 = rendering of visible objects
- gl_spriteblend (0-1): 1 = sprite blending
- gl_smoothmodels (0-1): 1 = model smoothing
- gl_ansio (0-16): anisotropic filtering.
- gl_vsync (0-1): 1 = video syncing
- hisound (0-1): 1 = high sound quality
- hud_fastswitch (0-1): 1 = fast weapon switching
- hud_deathnotice_time (value): how long death messages stay
- hud_saytext_time (value): how long chat messages stay
- hud_drawhistory_time (value): How long hud items stay
- hud_centerid (0-1): 1 = to center player id’s
- m_filter (0-1): 1 = mouse filtering
- m_rawinput (0-1): 1 = raw mouse reading
- m_customaccel 0
- m_customaccel_exponent 0
- m_customaccel_max 0
- m_customaccel_scale 0
- r_drawviewmodel (0-1): 1 = weapon model viewing.
- r_dynamic (0-1): 1 = dynamic lighting
- snd_noextraupdate (0-1): 1 = extra sound updates
- bgmvolume (0-1): 1 = CD audio