Discord MEE6 Bot Commands – Full List – All the search & moderation commands, and how to create custom commands with MEE6 Bot
Discord MEE6 Bot Commands – Basic Discord chat commands
These commands don’t require MEE6
- /giphy [word or term]: to search for animated GIFs from Giphy’s site
- /tenor [word or term]: to search for animated GIFs from Tenor’s site
- /tts [word or phrase]: to read your message to all users currently in the channel
- /me [word or phrase]: to stand out a message in the channel
- /tableflip: inputs some emotes
- /unflip: inputs some emotes
- /shrug: inputs some emotes
- /spoiler [word or phrase]: to mark the message as spoiler
- /nick: to change nickname
Discord MEE6 Bot Commands – Exclusive
Moderation MEE6 Commands
These are MEE6’s exclusive commands:
- !ban [member] [optional reason]: to ban a member, reason in optional
- !tempban [member] [duration] [optional reason]: to ban a member during certain time, reason in optional
- !mute [member] [optional reason]: to mute a member, reason in optional
- !tempmute [member] [duration] [optional reason]: to mute a member during certain time, reason in optional
- !unmute [member]: To unmute a member
- !slowmode [optional timeout] [optional off]: to enable slowmode, timeout is optional, and to disable !slowmodeoff
- !kick [member] [optional reason]: to kick a member, reason in optional
- !infractions [member]: list of member’s infractions
- !warn [member] [optional reason]: to warn a member, reason in optional
- !clear [optional member] [optional count]: to clear channel’s messages
Search MEE6 Commands
These are MEE6’s exclusive commands:
- !youtube [search]: search a youtube video
- !twitch [search]: search a twitch stream channel
- !imgur [search]: search a imgur meme
- !urban [search]: search a urban slang
- !anime [search]: search a kitsu for anime
- !manga [search]: search a kitsu for manga
- !pokemon [search]: search a pokeapi pokedex for pokemon
Discord MEE6 Bot Commands – Custom Commands
These are the steps to create custom bot commands with MEE6_
- Log in (MEE6 Dashboard)
- Go to Dashboard button: To select the discord server
- Custom Commands tab
- Create a Command
- Type the command name after the exclamation point and enter the response (the bot will respond with the text when someone uses your command). You can also add a command description and edit the allowed roles
- Click the Add button
- See how your new command works