Stuck on Loading Screen and Signing in
You’ll need to sign in with the email address attached to your account that redeemed the code for the BETA If that is the case please enter a support ticket via
Loading loop issue
To anyone having a loading loop issue, other users have reported that power cycling the console has helped fixed the problem.
Question and Answers For Infinite Loading Screen
I tried loading into my character, and just got stuck on the infinite loading screen bug. My friends can see my character in the game but all I can see is the loading image with the spinning gear that says loading. I was able to create another character and get into the game just fine on that one…but I refuse to give up on over 30 hours of progress on my character. Does anyone know a fix and/or how I can actually submit a support ticket?
Update: I let the game sit on the screen for approximately an hour and I finally loaded in. Haven’t had a repeat yet “crosses fingers”
My friend is having trouble with fallout 76. He logs into the game, the game starts loading and doesn’t stop for like 30 minutes, and then, when he exits the vault, he gets stuck on another loading screen, which even after an hour, wont stop loading. Thanks for the help.
Answer Only One
I had something like this yesterday when rejoining my friend after a crash while we where are already in a team.
I had to restart the game and leave the team the join him via the friend list.