Welcome to The Freeloading Family Walkthrough & Guide, where we will provide you all the choices and secrets to reach the highest levels to unlock all the scenes in the game
We are only going to provide you the choices that have impact, in any other choice, choose what you want:
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 1
1st choice: Looking at your necklace > (+1 pacifism) or Wondering what cup size you are > (+1 perv)
2nd choice: It’s okay so far > (+1 pacifism) or I can’t believe how sexy is the girls here are > (+1 perversion)
3rd choice: No, that’s a bad idea > (+1 pacifism) or Hell yes + Check it out > (+2 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 2
1st choice: Fap quickly > (+1 sispervbro) or Look at Phone Again > (+2 sispervbro)
2nd choice: Yes > (+1 pacifism) or No > (+1 perversion)
3rd choice: Yeah, another detention > (+1 perversion) or No, she wants to give me something. (+1 pacifism)
4th choice: Don’t Touch > (+1 pacifism) or Touch > (+1 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 3
1st choice: Stay > [BathShare] or Leave (no consequences)
2nd choice: Actually, yeah > (+1 perversion) or No, something else > (+1 pacifism)
3rd choice: Speak up > (+1 perversion) or Let the fight > (+1 pacifism)
4th choice: Don’t sneak > (+1 pacifism) or Sneak and eavesdrop > (+1 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 4
1st choice: Stay > [BathShare] or Leave (no consequences)
2nd choice: Actually, yeah > (+1 perversion) or No, something else > (+1 pacifism)
3rd choice: Speak up > (+1 perversion) or Let the fight > (+1 pacifism)
4th choice:
- Wake her > (+1 pacifism), then o Of course I watched > (+1 perversion) and also (+1 sispervbro) or I was looking at something else > (+1 pacifism)
- Touch her > (+1 perversion), then o Keep going > (+1 perversion) and also (+2 sispervbro)
o Stop (no consequences) - Go back to sleep > (+2 pacifism)
5th choice: Ok + B > [Panty] or No thanks > (+1 pacifism)
6th choice: Tell her to prove it > (+1 perversion) or Change the topic (+1 pacifism)
7th choice: Stay home with the girls (+1 pacifism) or Go see Melody > (+1 perversion)
8th choice: Actually I saw some pictures… > (+1 perversion) or Say nothing > (+1 pacifism)
9th choice: Yes! > (+1 perversion)or I don’t know… + No > (+3 pacifism)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 5
1st choice: A bottle of whiskey > [Whiskey] and also (+1 sispervbro) or No thanks, I won’t be drinking tonight > (+1 pacifism)
2nd choice:
- Truth: Answer [Truth] or Refuse (+1 pacifism)
- Dare: o Do it [Dare] or Refuse (+1 pacifism)
3rd choice:
- Alice: Flash (+2 perversion) or Get a bottle to spin (+1 perversion) or also Post an ugly picture online (+1 pacifism)
- Leah + Dare: o Send a selfie to a random number [Selfie] or Suck on your own toe (+1 pacifism)
4th choice: Choose what you want
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 6
1st choice: Tell her everything (+2 perversion) or Keep some of it secret (+2 pacifism)
2nd choice: if you have more pacifism points > Spook, if not > Smack
3rd choice: if you have more pacifism points > Wait, if not > Go
4th choice: Let’s stay together > (+1 Dinner Point) or Wait for her here
5th choice: Wait a minute > (+1 Dinner Point) or Yes
6th choice: if you have more pacifism points > Don’t change, if not > Add a pinch
7th choice: Grab candles > (+1 Dinner Point) or Turn on music
8th choice: if you have more pacifism points > Tell her how you feel, if not > Let her continue
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 7
1st choice: there are 2 paths depending on your fetish
- Hand: Yes (+1 perversion) or No
- Foot: No way! (+1 pacifism) or What could I have done?
2nd choice: Nothing! (+1 pacifism) or We’re hooking up after classes
3rd choice: It’s not what it looks like (+1 pacifism) or Like this is really a surprise? (+1 perversion)
4th choice: I always get home this late (+1 pacifism) or I saw Susan after class (+1 perversion)
5th choice: Is that all? (+1 perversion) or I’d be happy to (+1 pacifism)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 8
1st choice: Wait until she’s done (+1 pacifism) or Join Alice in the shower (+1 perversion)
2nd choice: Wait until she’s done (+1 pacifism) or Go to the bathroom (+1 perversion)
3rd choice: Go back to your room (+1 pacifism) or Enter (+1 perversion)
4th choice: Are you sure this is ok? (+1 pacifism) or Yeah, I’m coming in (+1 perversion)
5th choice: Kiss her (+1 perversion) or Talk more (+1 pacifism)
6th choice: Ask her for a kiss (+1 pacifism) or Kiss her (+1 perversion)
7th choice: Oh it will (+1 perversion) or I can only hope, but I don’t want to assume anything (+1 pacifism)
8th choice: Do you like the real thing better? (+1 perversion) or You’ve clearly already learned a lot then (+1 pacifism)
9th choice: Are you glad it’s me you’re doing this with? (+1 pacifism) or I can’t wait to do this to you again (+1 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 9
1st choice: Offer your assistance (+1 perversion) or Hope no one says your name (+1 pacifism)
2nd choice:
- More pacifism points: I’ll do it! (+1 perversion) or How about I just (+1 pacifism)
- More perv points: Are you sure about? (+1 perversion) or I’d be happy to provide this service
3rd choice: if Inside > Apologize (+1 pacifism) or I had a good time (+1 perversion)
4th choice:
- More pacifism points: Why don’t we find out? + Yes
- More perv points: Yes + Yes
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 10
1st choice: Stare at her chest (+1 perversion) or Don’t stare (+1 pacifism)
2nd choice: Hug her (+1 sispervbro) or High five
3rd choice: Wrap your arms around her (+1 pacifism) and also (+1 sispervbro) or Squeeze (+1 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 11
1st choice:
- Ask how if she’s having fun (+1 pacifism): No (-1 asplay), Maybe (+1 asplay) or also Yes (+2 asplay)
- Tell her you’d like her … (+1 perversion)
2nd choice: Both (3 scenes) or Just Alice (NO 3 scenes)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 12
1st choice (Last chance for 3 scenes): I slept next to Alice and Leah (3 scenes) or Leah went to help Karina (NO 3 scenes)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 13
1st choice: Take the call [Phone Call] and Go with Alice [Hang out with Alice] or Stay with Aunt Hailey or also Ignore it
2nd choice: (future scenes require less than +2 Beer Pong Points)
- Front Cup > Bounce now! (+1 Beer Pong Points)
- Middle Cup > Bounce now! (+2 Beer Pong Points)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 14
1st choice: Smelly bits won’t stop me (+1 perversion) or You don’t have to worry about me being a pervert (+1 pacifism)
2nd choice: It’s not really that sexual (+1 pacifism) or Yeah, kind of (+1 perversion)
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 15
Choices without consequences
Freeloading Family Walkthrough – Chapter 16
1st choice (requieres more perv points): You can choose to end inside (InsideMelody) or outside
2nd choice: Peek into bathroom (+2 perversion) or Wait in your room (+2 pacifism)
3rd choice: No you should go (+2 pacifism) or Please do (+2 perversion)
Chapter 17
Choices without consequences
Chapter 18
1st choice (Save to see them all): Melody [Melody Sleepover] or Leah [Leah Sleepover] or also Karina [Karina Sleepover]
Chapter 19
1st choice: Offer to go with her [Leah Points +1] or Stay with Alice [Alice Points +1]
2nd choice: Yes [Alice Points +1] or Depends on everyone else
3rd choice: Join Mel [Melody Points +1] and also [Smoke] or No thanks [Karina Points +1]
4th choice: We can have time when we get home or We can spend this whole vacation together [Alice Points +1]
5th choice: Join them [Karina Points +1 , Alice Points +1] and also [Swim] or Stay behind [Melody Points +1 , Leah Points +1]
6th choice: Suggest everyone shower together [Group Points +1] or Offer to help Karina [Karina Points +1] or also Agree you need a shower also
7th choice: Probably not a great idea or Nothing wrong at all + You’re my girlfriend [Alice Points +4]
8th choice: Looking at Antiques [Karina Points +1] or None of your business
Chapter 20
1st choice: Talk about it + Tell Her [Melody Points +3]
or • Don’t talk about it
2nd choice: Stay with Leah [Leah Points +1] or Go with Karina [Karina Points +1]
3rd choice: Joke around more or Tell her the truth [Leah Points +1]
4th choice: Be serious [Karina Points +1] or Be silly
5th choice: Things have gone very well + I hope so [Group Points +1] or They are going ok + Stay the same [Group Points +1]
6th choice: Leah should join us [Leah Points +1] or Leah wouldn’t be good at it
7th choice (requires karina points >=3): I’m okay with it [Alice Points +1 , and also Karina Points +1] or I don’t think you should
8th choice: Call her tough [Karina Points +1] or Tell her it’s going to be OK
9th choice: Accept [Melody Points +2] and also [Melody Girlfriend] or Decline
Chapter 21
1st choice: Let’s all have dinner together tonight [Alice Points +1, Hailey Points +1] and also [Dinner for Three] or Let’s have dinner, just you and I [Hailey Points +2]
2nd choice: Fake happiness [Hailey Points +1] or Just say hi
3rd choice: I can stay for that [Hailey Points +1] and also [Hailey Cuddle] or I just want to be alone for a bit
4th choice:
- Touch her > Yes [Hailey Points +1]
- Nevermind > Sure! [Hailey Points +1]
Chapter 22
1st choice: Demand Answers [Demand Answers] or Wait patiently
2nd choice: No thanks or Oh, nice! [Alice Points -1 , Melody Points -1 , Leah Points -1 , Karina Points -1 , Hailey Points -1]
3rd choice: Fool around [Hailey Points +1] or Decline [Hailey Points -1