All the valid Mayday Codes in one updated list – Roblox Game by Frigitec – Don’t stop visiting us, we update the list with every new code
Mayday Codes – Full List
There are not too many codes yet, but there will be a long list of valid codes soon, and for now, this is the list:
Valid Codes
There are not too many codes yet, but there will be a long list of valid codes soon, and for now, this is the list:
- Valentine: Once redeemed you will receive a free skin (expires on Valentine’s day)
- LeaveALike: Once redeemed you will receive $100
- More codes: No more codes yet, but wait until next update
You don’t have to look for codes anywhere else, we will update this list when new codes are available. So save this page, come back, check if there are new codes, and redeem them as soon as you can
If you want to search for codes by yourself, the best way is to get into the discord channel of the game (from the Roblox Game site)
Mayday Codes – Expired Codes
We are not sure if the codes expire or not, but if they expire we will include here:
Mayday Codes – How to Redeem?
Click on the second button on the left of the screen, the one below the house button. Then look at the lower right corner of the screen and you will see an empty box where you can enter the code, enter it and click on redeem. If you still don’t find it watch this video from youtuber GamingDan
How to play Mayday? Roblox Game by Frigitec
Mayday’s latest update includes a trade system, a code system, as well as a couple of adjustments. New codes coming soon! Be sure to thumbs up to let me know you want more!
Roblox’s latest fast-paced first person shooter experience is here! Battle in team deathmatch or take on the server solo with a different weapon on every spawn!
Check out the daily shop and locker to customize your mask and skins!
Mobile players, you can now edit your UI setup via the button in the home menu or the settings menu.
More Roblox Codes – Other Games
Want the newest codes for your favourite Roblox Game? Find your game here, redeem its valid or working codes, and get tons of free rewards
Mayday Roblox Game Site > Here