Metro Exodus Console Commands – Get the Developer Console and enable tons of cheats and config commands
How to Enable the Console?
You need the Developer Console, you can download it from here:
Enable the script and use F1 while playing to toggle the console
Metro Exodus Console Commands – Ranger Update
- new_game_plus_allowed: To unlock game plus on the main menu
- ngp_armored_mode: +1 armor level to all human NPCs
- ngp_backpack_limit: You can only craft using the workbench
- ngp_bad_weathert: Fog, Sand Storn, Rain & snow are more frequent
- ngp_dev_comments: Green tape players can play developer commentary
- ngp_grenadier_mode: More grenades for human NPCs
- ngp_iron_mode: You can only save between levels
- ngp_radiation_mode: More radiation areas added
- ngp_realtime_weather: changes the day cycle from 2 to 24 hours
- ngp_tough_creatures: + armor (thick hide) for creatures
Metro Exodus Console Commands – Graphics
- ph_dbg_render_range: Default = 150, but try =20
- ph_movables_range: Default = 96, but try =20
- r_adaptive_ssa: Default = 1, but try =0
- r_dof_tile_max: Default = 1, but try =0
- r_enum_ssaa: Default = 10, but try =5
- r_foliage_scale_clr_mp: Default = 1.2, but try =0.5
- r_foliage_scale_ao_mp: Default = 1.1, but try =0.5
- r_foliage_scale_range: Default = 1.25, but try =0.5
- r_lod_shadow_quality: Default = 1, but try =0.5
Metro Exodus Console Commands – Change Map
Use the command change_map_nl
- m3\000: Main Menu
- m3\01_dead_moscow: Moscow
- m3\05_winter: Winter
- m3\06_bridge: The Volga
- m3\06_spring: Spring
- m3\07_yamantau: Yamantau
- m3\08_desert: The Caspian
- m3\08_summer: Summer
- m3\12_valley: The Taiga
- m3\12_autumn: Autumn
- m3\13_deadcity: The Dead City
- m3\14_outro: Finale
- m3\dlc_1_deadcity: The Two Colonels
- m3\dlc_2_vladivostok: Sam’s Story
Config Commands
- r_gamma: To set gamma (Directx 11)
- r_exposure_control: To set gamma (Directx 12)
- r_exposure_bloom: Try value “-1”
- r_bloom_prefiltered: Try value “0”
- g_disable_hud_scale_coll: To set weapon scale
- hud_scale_type: Weapon position (value 0 to 5)
- hud_scale_force_xy: Set previus commant to 3 and set the position
- weapon_count: Values 1 to 3
- r_base_fov: To set field of view
- enable_backpack_craft: Enables backpack crafting ability
- enable_costumes_craft: To change costumes upgrades in the workbench
- ngp_sneaky_combat: To enable sneaky combat more
- return_to_main_menu: self explanatory
- pause: self explanatory
- joy_sens_y_scale: To set Pitch sensitivity scale
- gamesave: self explanatory
- gameload: self explanatory
- g_game_difficulty: self explanatory
- g_ranger_hud_alpha: Only works in game difficulty 3 (Ranger)
- ranger_mode_game: self explanatory
- g_survival_mode: self explanatory
- disconnect: Use it before using the next command
- map: Load any map, but first use the previous command
- restart: To restart a map
- change_map: to any map
- change_map_cl: Same as the previous one
- change_map_nl: Above there is a list with the available maps
- nextlevel: To skip the current mission
- g_player_speed_scale: self explanatory
- g_god: Deathless or god mode
- g_global_god: Previous command, but for everyone
- g_unlimitedammo: Also unlimited medkits
- g_notarget: NPCs can’t target the player
- g_autopickup: Auto collects the loot