Seeds of Chaos Cheats & Console Commands – Boost your player (MC), Alexia and Castle stats using these cheats or console commands
Seeds of Chaos Cheats – Enable Console
There is no command console by default, but there is a file in which you can enable it
You have to enable the console and these are the steps you need:
- Find the file “00Console.RPY” (route: Directory)\seeds-of-chaos\renpy\common)
- Open 00Console.RPY with notepad
- Find the line config.console = False (CTRL+F config.console)
- Replace False with True (with a capital T)
- Save changes and close notepad
Now that you have enabled the console you can use any of the following cheats or console commands. Enter the game and press Shift + O to open the console
Seeds of Chaos Cheats – Console Commands List
Player cheats or console commands
These cheats or console commands are Player (MC) related
- Gold Amount: = x (replace x with a number)
- Exp Amount: avatar.exp = x (replace x with a number)
You don’t need anything else, just give you enough xp to max all the stats
Castle cheats or console commands
These cheats or console commands are Castle related
- Coffers Amount: castle.coffers = x (replace x with a number)
- Training coffers amount: castle.training_coffers = x (replace x with a number)
- Supplies Amount: = x (replace x with a number)
- Peasants amount: castle.peasants = x (replace x with a number)
- Soldiers amount: castle.soldiers = x (replace x with a number)
- Morale Amount: castle.morale = x (replace x with a number)
- Unrest Amount: castle.unrest = x (replace x with a number)
- Resource points amount: castle.rp = x (replace x with a number)
- Defence points amount: castle.dp = x (replace x with a number)
Alexia cheats or console commands
These cheats or console commands are Alexia related
- Set Alexia’s atributes value: alexi.[attribute] = x (Replace attribute with the name of the attribute and x with a value)