Subnautica Below Zero Lead Location – Best locations to farm Lead in early and late game, biomes and crafting recipes with Lead as ingredients
Subnautica Below Zero Lead Location – Best Locations
To find lead you have to find Galena Outcrops, below we will provide you all the biomes where you can find Galena Outcrops
And of course you can also get Lead from Sea Monkeys
Subnautica Below Zero Lead Location – Biomes
These are all the biomes where you can find Leads
- Crystal Caves
- Main Crystal Caves
- East Arctic
- Glacial Connection
- Lilypad Islands
- Main Lilypad Islands
- Shallow Twisty Bridges
- Thermal Spires
- Thermal Spires Caves
- Twisty Bridges
There is no better biome for finding galena outcrops (Lead). So just pay attention when exploring any of the indicated biomes. Not that it is a plentiful material, but it is not particularly difficult to find either.
Subnautica Below Zero Lead Location – Crafting
Lead is an essential resource for the Fabricator, the Habitat Builder, and also the Mobile Vehicle Bay
x3 Fabricator recipes require Lead to craft:
- Enameled Glass: x1 Glass + x1 Lead + x1 Diamond
- Reactor rod: x2 Uraninite Crystal + X1 Lead + x1 Titanium + x1 Glass
- Test Overide Module: x1 Parallel Procesing Unit + x1 Titanium + x1 Copper Wire + x2 Lead
Habitat Builder
x5 Habitat Builder recipes require Lead to craft:
- Foundation: x2 Lead + x2 Titanium
- Wall Mounted Foundation: x2 Lead + x2 Titanium
- Moonpool: x2 Titanium Ignot + x1 Lubricant + x2 Lead
- Nuclear Reactor: x3 Lead + x1 Plasteel Ignot + x1 Advanced wiring kit
- Modification Station: x1 computer Chip + x1 Lead + x1 Titanium + x1 Diamond
Mobile Vehicle Bay
x6 Mobile Vehicle Bay recipes require Lead to craft:
- Prawn Suit: x1 Computer Chip + x1 Plasteel Ignot + x1 Power Cell + x1 Enameled Glass
- Seatruck: x1 Titanium Ignot + x1 Advanced Wiring Kit + x2 Glass + x3 lead + x1 Power Cell
- Seatruck Storage Module: x1 Plasteel Ignot + x1 Wiring Kit + x3 Lead
- Sleeper Module (Seatruck) : x1 Plasteel Ignot + x2 Fiber Mesh+ x3 Lead
- Seatruck Fabricator Module: x1 Plasteel Ignot + x1 Computer Chip + x3 Lead
- Seatruck Docking Module: x1 Plasteel Ignot + x1 Advanced Wiring Kit + x3 Lead