Strategy Phase
This is the phase where you will determine which of your Heroes will attack. Before going any further, let’s familiarize ourselves with the board.
Starting in the top left corner, the number in green inside of the Scouter overlay is your team’s current Power Level. You’ll notice this changes as you move cards around. The team with the highest Power Level gets to attack first during the Battle Phase. Winning the Power Level Battle phase can also earn you extra benefits as well depending on the Abilities of your team.
Below that is a row of 10 crystal shaped boxes, a few of which will likely be filled in with a blue color. This represents your team’s current Hero Energy. Hero Energy is what determines whether or not each of your Heroes can use their Ultimate Blast attacks during the Battle Phase. Hero Energy is also consumed when you use an Ultimate Unit Ability. Hero Energy can be increased in many ways, including the position of your Heroes during this phase. This is covered more in the next section.
Next we’ll see a list of all of our Heroes. Heroes that are currently in the orange Attack Area of the field will be fully visible while Heroes in the blue Support Area will be partially offscreen. This is just a quick way to see which Heroes are attacking and which aren’t. You can also see other information at a glance, such as each Hero’s Type or whether or not they are Stunned. More on all of this later.
Continuing down the left side of the screen, you’ll see your team’s HP bar on the bottom. The more filled this bar is, the more health your team has. If this bar reaches 0, you lose the battle. The enemy team’s HP bar is found in the top right corner of the screen. Reducing this bar to 0 means that you win the battle.
In the bottom right corner is a timer. The timer will always be counting down to 0. When it reaches 0, you can no longer take any further actions. You want to ensure that your team is properly positioned and ready for combat before this timer reaches 0.
Finally, if you look in the middle of the screen, you’ll see your Heroes. Each Hero will have a Willpower gauge next to them. This gauge will go down when your Hero is in the Attack Area once the Power Level Battle starts and also when the Hero is attacked. If the Willpower gauge is empty, your Hero is in Pinch status, meaning any unblocked attack from an enemy will Stun that Hero. Willpower is restored by leaving a Hero in the Support Area for a Round, or by Abilities.
Now that we’re familiar with the display, let’s talk a bit about the Attack Area and Support Area. The Attack Area is the large orange area which is actually comprised of three different rows. The Support Area is the final row, in blue. Depending on where the Hero’s card is positioned determines what the Hero will do for that Round. Here’s showing what happens on each row:
- Hero loses 3 Willpower units. Hero’s Power Level increases by 3000. Hero deals the most damage.
- Hero loses 2 Willpower units. Hero’s Power Level increases by 2000. Hero deals high damage.
- Hero loses 1 Willpower unit. Hero’s Power Level increases by 1000. Heal deals moderate damage.
- Hero recovers Willpower. Hero’s Power Level does not increase. Hero does not engage in combat.
As you can see, putting a card at the front row will deal the most damage and raise your team’s Power Level by the most, but you’ll also use the most Willpower to do so. It’s important not to run out of Willpower or your Hero can be Stunned. A Stunned Hero cannot attack or defend, meaning that you’ll lose an opportunity to deal damage and the enemy will be able to get a free attack that cannot be blocked, dealing large damage to your team. A Hero will no longer be Stunned if they are attacked or if you leave them in the Support Area for a Round.
The last thing that can happen during the Strategy Phase is the usage of Abilties. At the start of each Round it’s likely that at least one Hero will activate an Ability. These are represented by capsules popping up on the screen along with the Ability description. It’s also possible that certain Card Action Abilities or Ultimate Unit Abilities can be triggered during this phase. See the appropriate sections of the guide for more information about these different types of Abilities.