TFT Champions Tier List Last Patch 9.19
Patch 9.19 Tier 1 Champions
- Draven
- Gnar
- Sejuani
- Shyvana
- Swain
- Yasuo
Patch 9.19 Tier 2 Champions
Although these aren’t the best Teamfight Tactics Champions you can pick, they’re perfectly good enough if you build correctly around them:
- Aurelion Sol
- Blitzcrank
- Brand
- Chogath
- Karthus
- Katarina
- Kayle
- Kennen
- Kindred
- Lucian
- Pantheon
- Poppy
- Rengar
Patch 9.19 Tier 3 Champions
You’ll find it hard to build a consistently powerful team using only the characters below, but they will surely have situational use depending on your team progress up to this point.
- Aatrox
- Ahri
- Akali
- Anivia
- Ashe
- Eveleynn
- Leona
- Lulu
- Miss Fortune
- Morgana
- Varus
- Vi
- Volibear
- Zed
Patch 9.19 Tier 4 Champions
Here’s how the later stages of our Teamfight Tactics tier list is starting to look:
- Kaisa
- Braum
- Darius
- Fiora
- Gangplank
- Garen
- Graves
- Jinx
- Kassadin
- Kha’zix
- Lissandra
- Pyke
- Rek’sai
- Shen
- Twisted Fate
- Vayne
- Veigar
Patch 9.19 Tier 5 Champions
These are currently considered to be the weakest Champions in Teamfight Tactics at the time of producing the first edition of this article:
- Jayce
- Mordekaiser
- Nidalee
- Tristana
- Warwick
- Camille
- Elise
Teamfight Tactics Last Update Champions Tier List Patch 9.19